This video features three C4RJ volunteer talking about what drew them to this work and why they stay.
Watch this video to learn why a volunteer has supported C4RJ with his time. His interview (starting at 1:07), paired with donors and community members, is part of a longer piece called “Finding Courage: Addressing Harm with Restorative Justice Circles” also available on YouTube.
There are few organizations out there as fortunate as C4RJ when it comes to volunteers. They are our greatest asset.
Our volunteers number more than 100 and hail from over 38 cities and towns, even in places where C4RJ is not currently active. Their strength lies not only in their numbers, but also in their life experience as educators, lawyers, homemakers, grandparents, business people, world travelers, retirees, and youth.
And why do they commit hours a month after work and on weekends to support restorative justice? Well, we asked them — click on the videos to the right to see what some of them said.
Our volunteers put in anywhere from 1 to 20 hours a week in a variety of roles. Some serve as event planners, others as community representatives on cases. Some prefer to work on committees to raise funds, write press releases, or help with outreach in new communities. The bottom line is that if you have time, talent, and commitment, we can use your help.
Click here to learn more about ways to get involved.
Next Training:
Fall 2025
C4RJ volunteers commit to joining a team for at least a year. Many have been with us for much longer; a few since our inception! The teams generally meet once a month for an hour or two to review new policies, debrief a tough case, or brush up on skills. Circles are scheduled outside team meetings and will require additional time. Specialized roles require advanced training and greater time commitment.
It all starts with your interest, an application, an interview, and an introductory training. The qualities we look for in a volunteer candidate: commitment (including available time), listening skills, patience, asking open-ended questions (or being willing to learn how), thoughtfulness, being non-judgmental but firm when necessary, and care for the well-being of a community.
We are accepting volunteer applications. If you complete the form below we will notify you directly when we know more about our upcoming trainings.
If you’re interested in volunteering, please complete this online form.